Hi there.

I’m Adam. I’m 27 and I like making films and chatting about them and stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I like chatting about all sorts of stuff from the incomprehension of the scale of our universe; to how inconceivable it is that Arsenal thought they were winning the league last season; to how mad it is that some people don’t like cats, because they love dogs. It’s ok to like both!

But yeah. Mainly films and filmmaking, that’s my bag.

Aware that it’s hard to get people to fund your passion projects about smashed up cars in disused mills, I also work in videography professionally. Right now I work full time for Social Chain, Manchester as an in-house Video Creator.

Thanks for stumbling by and for checking out some of my films. And thank you especially for reading this frankly manic about me, essay. I say, “essay” more of a “ramble” to be honest, but hey ho.

Circa. 2018 | London, UK

Born: 11th April, 1996 at 10 past 10 in the morn.
Learnt to Walk: 1997
Learnt to Ride a Bike: 2001
Favourite Beverage: A crisp lager refrigerated at 3ºC
Best Beer Ever Encountered: Tart Side of the Moon
Football Allegiance: Man United
Favourite Director: Spielberg to cheer me up, Kubrick to bring me back down.
Favourite DP: Gotta be Deakins
Favourite Film (as of writing this): The Green Mile
Favourite Associate Producer’s Wife’s Second Cousin’s Pet Guinea Pig: Henry Kissinger
Film I can’t believe got made: Snakes on a Plane
Film I wish I’d made: Snakes on a Plane
Favourite Band: Pink Floyd
Favourite Album: The Wall
Proudest Moment: Deciding to leave home for the first time
Proudest “Career” Moment: Making my first short film
Random Fact an Employer May Find Interesting and/or Pointless: Rubik’s Cube 3×3 solver